Project Overview
From application point of view, our
research enable robots to assist humans
in many scenarios including natural observation, autonomous vehicles,
space exploration, surveillance,
infrastructure maintenance, health and
elder care,
agriculture, construction monitoring, search and rescue, journalism, entertainment, etc.
However, from robotics research perspective, these research projects can be classified into
the following categories:
perception with sensor fusion, vision-based robot navigation,
networked teleoperation and crowd supported robots,
networked sensors and robots,
recongizing environments, animal and
activity, etc. It is worth noting that
we are particularly interested in using cameras as the primary sensing modality
in combination with other sensors such
as GPS, laser range finders (a.k.a.
lidars), inertial measurement units (IMUs),
ultrasonic sensors, ground penetration
radar (GPR), and encoders. We also work
a lot with sensors in mobile devices.
Our research takes a balanced approach between theoretical developments
and real world physical system-based
Therefore, our projects range from low level system design and implementation,
such as device design, Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design and fabrication, to high level system modeling and algorithmic
developments in artificial intelligence, such as robot
perception, scheduling and planning. Students need to develop strong system
and theoretical backgrounds.
Optoacustic Material and Structure Sensing (OMASS) for robotic grasping (Fall 2017-present)
Collaborting with Prof. Jun Zou, an MEMS expert, we are developing a new finger-mounted sensor for robot grasping of unknown objects.
When the robot finger is close to the object, the OMASS sensor emits modulated laser beams to
knock on the material surface which generates acoustic signals through thermal expansion and contraction. This is known as optoacoustic effect. We analyze signal specturm, time of flight,
and magnitude signatures to obtain matieral type and close-to-surface internal structure information, which are important for estimating grasping force and fiction coefficent.
More information can be found here.
Optical and Acoustic Dual Modal
Communication and Ranging Devices for
Underwater Vehicles (Fall 2017-present)
Collaborting with Prof. Jun Zou, an MEMS expert, we are developing a new dual-modality ranging and communcation sensor for
underwater robots. It generates co-centered and co-registered ultrasonic and laser signals to facilitate sensor fusion
at device level.
More information can be found here.
General Motors (GM) Autodrive Challenge (Fall 2017-present)
We are honored to be selected to participate GM Autodrive challenge. With a drive-by-wire enabled Chevy Bolt deonated
by GM, our lab is currently leading the development of TAMU Autodrive project. We focus on multimodal perception, scene understanding, real time planning and control, and
optimization for Autodrive Challenge competition.
More information can be found here.
Bridge-MINDER: Minimally Invasive Robotic Non Destructive Evaluation and Rehabilitation
for Bridge Decks (Fall 2014 - Fall 2019)
Collaborating with Rutgers University, we worked on combining state-of-the-art SLAM techniques with ground penetration radar (GPR)
for in-traffic bridge deck inspection.
Project website is
Navigation for an autonomous motorcycle (2003-2007)
Collaborating with Anthony Levandowski and UC Berkeley, we develop the first
motorcycle [video: mp4] with focus on its navigation system.
This vehicle attended
Darpa Grand Challenges
(DGC) 2004 and 2005. We develop algorithms to enable vehicles to navigate
on ill-structured roads by analyzing road surface characteristics and tracing previous
vehicle tracks.
Robonaut Navigation (2017-present)
We are working with NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) to provide vision-based navigation capability to the
fantastic robot. We overcome issues caused by nonlinear deformation caused by uneven materials and imprecise timing
across cameras to provide estimation of robot poses.
See news report here.
Motion Vector-based Visual SLAM (Summer 2011-
Fall 2014)
We are using motion vectors from MPEG streams to perform SLAM tasks. It is a
lightweight algorithm that fits best for small robots in urban environments. Moreover,
it is able to perform SLAM in dynamic environments without the assumption that the environment
has to be largely stationary.
High level landmarks for guiding robots (HIGUR) (Spring 2013)
Collaborating with Kitware and funded by US Army, this project will develop
a real time scene understanding technique-enabled robot navigation and teleoperation scheme. It can be viewed as a
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) at scene structure level. Details of the project will be
to be announced soon.
Multi-layered feature graph for robots in urban area (2011-present)
Multi-layered feature graph is a data structure enabling quick understanding of 3D
scene structure. It consists of vanishing points, primary planes,
line segments in 2D and 3D space and organize them in geometry relationships such
as adjacency, parallelism, collinearity, and coplanarity.
Project website is here.
Detection of mirroring surfaces (2010-present)
Detecting mirror-like surface is important for obstacle avoidance for indoor robots and UAVs
which fly close to buildings. Moreover, addressing this problem is critical for building
exterior survey regarding energy load. Exploring scene symmetricity and its inherent geometric
constraints, we develop algorithms for robust
detection of mirror-like surfaces.
Vertical line-based visual odometry (2010-2011)
The primary purpose is to develop a lightweight localization scheme for
small robots in urban area. The idea employs vertical lines as landmarks
due to the abundance of building edges and poles. Vertical lines are easy to
be extracted form the images and insensitive to lighting and shadow conditions.
They are sensitive to the robot horizontal movements. Hence they are nice landmarks
for the accurate estimation of the robot ego motion on the road plane.
Details of the project can be
found here.
Reduce depth ambiguity via planning (2005-2008)
Small robots are often equipped with a single camera. The monocular
vision system has difficulty to obtain depth information along baseline direction,
which is often coincident with moving direction. Planned lateral movements need to be
added to address the problem.
Robotic BioTelemetry (2007-2012)
Successor to the CONE project, this project aimed to develop new algorithms and systems
to quantitatively measure natural habitats and animal activities
via remotely controlled networked robotic cameras. Collaborating with natural scientists, the project builds prototypes and investigates new metrics, mathematical models, algorithms, and architectures
in an integrated research and educational project that emphasize active robotic actuation, automation, collaboration, and optimal system design.
Details of the project can be
found here.
Collaborative Observatories for Natural Environments (CONE) (2005-2009)
Collaborating with UC Berkely, the project proposes a new
class of hybrid teleoperated/autonomous
robotic "observatories" that allow groups of
scientists, via the internet, to remotely
observe, record, and index detailed animal
activity. Such observatories are made
possible by emerging advances in robotic
cameras, long-range wireless networking, and
distributed sensors. The CONE
project has been deployed in several
sites and spawn a variety of sub
projects including the assist for
searching of the legendary
ivory-billed woodpeckers in central
Arkansas and
investigating the potential link
between bird range change and climate change in south Texas.
For more information please see the
project website.
Observe/Co-Opticon/Demonstrate/ShareCam (2002-2005)
Observe/Co-opticon/ShareCam is a machine
for democratic optics, allowing a
network of participants to
cooperatively control the viewpoint
of a shared video camera. The system combines a networked
robotic video camera with a
graphical user interface that allows
many internet-based viewers to share
simultaneous control of the camera
by specifying desired viewing
frames. Algorithms compute the
optimal camera frame based on all
requests, and position the camera
It also been used to
observe the Berkeley Sproul Plaza during the 60th anniversary of free speech movements.
Active Panorama and Evolving Panorama (2003-2006)
Our Active Panorama project provides a
context + focus interface for applications
such as videoconferencing or remote
observation with limited bandwidth. We use
one pre-calibrated pan-tilt-zoom camera to
construct a high resolution panoramic image,
which serves as context of the remote
environment. We superimpose a live video
stream on top of the panorama so that the
focused activity appear to live in the
panorama. We update the background panorama
on the fly as the camera moves.
The Tele-Actor (2000-2004)
The Tele-Actor is a skilled human with cameras
and microphones connected to a wireless
digital network. Live video and audio are
broadcast to participants via the Internet
or interactive television. Participants not
only view, but interact with each other and
with the Tele-Actor by voting on what to do
next. Our "Spatial Dynamic Voting" (SDV)
interface incorporates group dynamics into a
variety of online experiences.
For more
information please see the project
The Tele-twister (2003-2004)
The Tele-Twister is a game
designed for the Internet. As in the
original, the game is played with human
bodies(the twisters), but in this version
you get to play along and direct their moves
from the comfort of your computer. As a
player, you log in and are automatically
assigned to either the Red or Blue team. You
view and play from your computer screen. You
see two twisters (real humans), one dressed
in red, the other in blue. They respond to
moves chosen by the Red and Blue online
teams. Your team chooses moves for the
twisters (eg, "right hand YELLOW") using a
Java technology-based online interface.
Targeted Observation of Severe Local Storms Using Aerial Robots (2015-2019)
This project addresses the development of
self-deploying aerial robotic systems that will enable new
in-situ atmospheric science applications. Fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has advanced to the point where
platforms fly persistent sampling missions far from remote operators. Likewise, complex atmospheric phenomena
can be simulated in near real-time with increasing levels of fidelity. Collabrating with researchers from
University of Colorado, Boulder,
University of Minnesota,
Texas Tech University, and University of Nebraska, Lincoln, we are developing sensing-aware planning algorithms to guide
UAVs to acquire atomospheric data.
Search of Transient Targets (2010-2017)
Mobile robots are often employed to perform searching tasks such as finding a black box in a remote area after an
airplane crash, searching for victims after an earthquake or
a mine collapse disaster, or locating artifacts on the ocean
floor. In many cases, the target can intermittently emit short
duration signals to assist searching. How to efficiently search for such targets requires detailed analysis
of sensing characteristic and robot motion plans. This project studies the fundamental
problems behind such searching process.
More information is here.
Localization of Hostile Wireless Sensor Networks (2006-2011)
This project studies the localization of sensor
network nodes using mobile robots. Different from other
similar projects, we focus on the
localization in a hostile environment. One
typical scenario is to detect and destroy a
sensor network deployed by the enemy in
a battlefield. In such an environment, we cannot
decode the received packet to know the
network information. We are developing a scheme to guide the
robot through the hostile environment
to search and locate the sensor nodes based
on signal strength and communication
patterns. This scheme can be adapted for
applications such as search and rescue.
TamuBot (2004-2011)
the research process, we have
accumulated quite experience in working
with robotic hardware. Over the years, we have also
developed our own version of four-wheeled skid-steering robots. It is named as
TamuBot project.
The robot has been a workhorse for
our research projects. We have
released the design details including mechanisms, motor control board design, software source code in this website.
We hope to contribute to robotics
community for those who plan to
build their own robot.
Repsond-R (2009-2013)
This is a project focusing on developmeng of a mobile, distributed instrument for response research.
about the project can be found here.